
The Grand city of Ought:

District list and Landmarks:


The River Om divides the city of Ought in two.  Where one is in general relation to the river can say a lot about the type of neighborhood as well as what goes on there, a good rule is that the closer to the South-East you are the cleaner the water, and there for the better and wealthier the neighborhood.  The further North-west you go the worse things get until the river all but stops from sewage and debris before finally and with great relief, leaves the city.   The Om is guarded by two river gates that allow trade passage both in and out of the city.  In the SE the Clean-water Gate and in the NW the Fowl-flow Gate

The Gates:
There are four legal gates into Ought. Two river gates and two Highway gates.  All are Fortified by double gate houses the before mentioned Clean water Gate receives 99% of all river trade and is the main gate for trade goods coming by boat. Its Twin gate on the opposite side of the city the Fowl Flow Gate serves at little but the anus of Ought. Anyone desperate enough to sail up stream and up filth is welcome to try, but ew!
The Main and largest entrance into Ought is through the Kings Gate.  There are several advantages to entering through this gate, one is that every person paying the city entrance/gate charge is given a token that gives them certain benefits in the city, be it health benefits, clean food and water, or even leniency with the city guard.  The downside is that such entrance is pricy, well out of the range of your normal ner do good. For those of more common stock there is the Beggars Gate, an entry fee is required and a token is still awarded, but it is made of wax, and will wear-out after about 1 month if constantly carried around. This token has no inherint benefits other than the city guard will not throw you into a community camp for idle or illegal business doings.   If none of the gates appeal to you than there is always the option of climbing the wall or employing one of the Oughts infamous “service wallers” Who are willing to toss you a rope and pull you up for a price, they are however just as likely to drop you and then have a cohort go and collect your belongings.   Such is always a risk when scaling the walls.

The Walls: The Ought, having a violent past is a totally fortified city.  Such walls that surround the Ought are tall and thick enough to withstand a siege of any army of almost any size.  However maintaining such walls are extremely expensive, therefore, when the neighboring kingdoms were absorbed into the great Empire and a treaty was forged the Ruling council of Ought, the Octocracy, passed an act that required each district and quarter to maintain and repair their own section of wall, in exchange for permanent land rights. Of course not all districts are equal and the North side of the city and Kings gate are in far better shape than the South.  2 centuries ago when an expelled Octocrat came back to city leading a barbarian horde, residents bribed the horde to attack a different section of wall so that their section of wall would be spared and blame for weakened defenses would fall on another district.  That’s when district two was renamed the Blemish Quarter for their failure to defend the city.

The Octospire:  In the Center of the city, sitting atop the great cliff is the palace-keep of the Octocracy.  From the top of its towers the entire city can be seen, and indeed past the city and into neighboring city-states and the empire as well. Its Eight sided walls are tall, sleek and black, like obsidian, but carved and delicate looking.  Very little is known about the place, since few are privy to go there. Like all mysterious places there are of course countless rumors, some of which are bound to be true.   What is common knowledge is that it is the seat of power in the city.  The Council of Eight, known as the Octocracy meets and conducts business, as well as keeps residences here. The council of eight is a strange thing at best, They are known for their eccentric tastes, as well as strange behaviors and edicts.   One such custom is that one of the Eight has power for every day of the week, so one is always left powerless during the week.  How the order is decided is unknown to common people, but the whole things reeks of politics…..

The Districts:

 1.The Runns: without question the worst part of town, only the desperate and insane live here, only the perverse visit and only the lucky or the dead leave.  The filth of the city all comes to rest in the Runns.  Sickness, poverty, filth and death are the only names here.

 2. Blemish Quarter: the most densely populated part of town.  Not much better than the runns but people are somehow able to make a mad hand to mouth living here. A thieves den and thug haven.  No one goes here along, and never at night. There are many small streets and alleys that make the area a maze for those who don’t know their way around. The locals are fiercely protective of their own.

 3.Arcane Annex: the home for all things magic in the city, for good or ill.  It is sometimes difficult to navigate do to the wild magics that are constantly being used and experimented with.  From time to time a magic gone foul will wander out into the Blemish and cause havoc. Most buildings here are tall, reaching an insane 5 levels plus basements! Still a bad part of town, most because so few mages have time to waste on the “outside” so things are broken down it is all but impossible to find “everyday goods” that are so easily provided by magic.

 4. Stoic’s Yard (Temple): home to various temples and places of divine worship, a common saying is “everything has a price in the temple” be it salvation or its other trade in illegal goods.  Was once used as a place for public executions, all the remains were displayed in front of the beggars gate as a warning to those entering the city. These remains became known as “the stoics”

 5. Bowlers Bound

 6. Rose: the official red light district of the Ought. Best bars and bordellos in the whole of the city. Any thing that caters to the ideals of pleasure can be found here.

 7. The Pitt:  the oldest surviving part of the city, constantly sinking into the marshy foundation.  Just how far some of the old buildings go is unknown.

 8. Lout’s Corner

 9. Ash Risen: a wealthy neighborhood, the richest in southcity. Good security, and regular district patrols. Good work for thieves and bodyguards.

10. The Cinch

11. Back Gate

12. The Bazaar/ The Night Bazaar

13. Bulward

14. The Gold Back

15. Greeninlian:  The wealthiest neighborhood, home of trade princes, barons, tyrants and lords.  The scum is kept out of this part of the town, and the district even has its own walls.

16. Old-Well

17. Fronton

18. Gatehead

19. Wallenpart

20.Back Breach

21. The Silver Belt

22. The Rise

23. Blight Ford

24. The Sink